Saturday, May 01, 2010

Flower Child Mary Jane

This challenge was outside my comfort zone so......I made it fit!!! I live in rural northern California. Our biggest CASH crop is possibly illegal(?). There is a very large population of aging flower children and some of the newer kinds. The baby is called Mary Jane but the caption could also be....."WHERE'D YA LEAVE THE BABY?"

I think it speaks for its self. Methods used were fusing and machine quilting on hand dyed fabric. It was fun.

I do remember the Gumnut Babies from Australia. They were very cute and clever.



  1. I love the way you made it fit the challenge. The baby could be the small bloom the mj plant puts out each year. I live in an area where it grows wild. I think you did a great job!

  2. I'm so glad you finally got this up on the blog, Carol. Your baby, Mary Jane is precious, hope she isn't eating the leaves. I like your twist on the challenge concept, excellent!

  3. Very cute. Humor and a social commentary. Sad but true.


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