Monday, May 31, 2010

Mushrooms by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Here's my little piece featuring mushrooms and autumn leaves. Comments and greetings welcome!


  1. Thanks in advance for your comments and greetings! It's nice to be back..I've had a super busy year and my art quilting time has taken a hit!

  2. I like your use of the geometric for the earth. Nice contrast with the organic leaves and mushroom. Nice complimentary scheme with your use of tints and values.

  3. I love your fabric choice for the ground, and the quilting on the background is perfect. Welcome back!

  4. Nice piece and looks just like small mushrooms actually shooting up in a damp area on the forest floor. The batik chosen for the ground is perfect in that it is darker under the tree appearing like there are shadows from the branches and less so the farther out one's eye travels.

  5. So happy to see your work again Cynthia. The composition is wonderful, the mushrooms are excellent, and the quilting creates a bit of turbulence swirling the leaves as they fall. What is the size?

  6. Thanks everyone. The size is 5 x 10"...tiny. It was bigger, but I chopped it so the focus was on the mushrooms instead of the tree

  7. Good to see you back Cynthia, love this little piece, there is so much motion with the swirling leaves. Great choice of fabrics! The mushrooms look like they are bravely struggling to hang on against the wind. Lovely!

  8. Hi Cynthia... I have been away too, so I will join in the 'good to be back' and to 'see you'! ha.
    I really like your 'groundwork' and the scale is perfect, tiny 'shrooms in a big world.

  9. wow, how can you put so much things in a so small quilt? I want to learn that kind of magic! *_*
    Looking at your quilt I can feel the autumn wind on my skin.

  10. You can feel the autumn breeze when you look at this piece. I also love your ground
    Pat Havey

  11. I especially love the motion and scale of this piece. The ground is so interesting and leaves seem to encircle the mushrooms. So happy you are back at your art.

  12. A sweet piece. It's good to make time for a little art work.


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