Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Challenge 45 "If Andy had been a mycologist" by Silvia Dell'Aere

(hemmm it's correct to say "had been"?)

Yes, the Andy of the title is Warhol.
I'd like to do a piece in Andy's style since I started quilting, and this challenge seems to be perfect.
When I've read about the split complementary colours I've had hard time choosing which colours use, then I've decided to use them all, and the better way was to do a "pop-art" quilt :) so here's my entry for the challenge:
Every block is made with 3 split complementary colours. I've used the main colour as background of the block, then I've used the two complementay colours for the mushroom.
The mushroom is an earth-star (Astraeus hygrometricus), a kind of fungi that fascinate me since I was child :)

With this little quilt (14"x14") I went out of my comfort zone choosing to do raw edges applique.
I hate raw edges, but in this case I've thought that this technique would be perfect to give the aspect of the scales on the star petals, and I've to admit that I'm quite happy with the result.
The "petal" zone is made by 2 layers. The bottom layer is fused on the background, the top layer is only sewn down without fusing. I've then sew the scales shapes and I've cut away the unwanted fabric between the scales to let show the bottom layer.

Here is a close-up of one block:

I'll be happy to hear from you what do you think about it :)


  1. Silvia-this is a very clever response to the challenge. You not only fulfilled all the requirements but also learned something new to you. The reverse applique with the raw edges is a perfect technique for the mushrooms. I like the black border and the bindings that continue the color of the blocks too.

  2. Terrific! Andy Warhol would be impressed :-) I love the interplay of the different color combinations. Well done...

  3. Thank you for your comments :)
    Cherie I hope Warhol would be impressed, but I imagine he turning in his grave ahah :)
    Nancy thank you! I've found that raw edges are not so ugly in the right context, and I'm really happy for this.

  4. I am an Andy Warhol fan and this is a great piece! I also like raw edge applique' and your reverse method worked very well for this great piece.

  5. Love it! The black frame really finishes this off nicely. Thank you for describing the cut-away you did. I thought it was a sheer fabric with a design.

  6. It is just great... I learned something as well. I am glad you found reverse raw edge applique, it is fun and sure looks good here.
    I like the quaint look of a 4 patch..and what appears to be pastels of your color scheme. nicely done.

  7. I have to agree with all the above. grelat raw edge applique. New techniques are always so fun to learn.
    Pat Havey

  8. Wow! What everyone else said. You certainly met the requirements of the challenge, including the overarching one to have fun. What a terrific interpretation.

  9. I love Andy Warhol and love the idea for this quilt.


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