Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Challenge 45 - Fun Fungi

Fun Fungi finished size 17 x 25.

OK after looking at fungi pictures - which grossly revealed lots of foot fungus - yuck - I like the round shape - I make it abstract. I decided on a split complementary color scheme of blue-violet, orange and yellow. First I attempted more organic oval shapes - but they weren't looking too good - I then sewed in yellow circles but didn't sew in the orange - I attempted some fancy orange thread work on the circles - but not looking too good. So I did faced funny pieced orange circles. I then quilted the background and found the yellow needed more so did some pebble quilting in the yellow circles.

So it didn't windup looking anything like fungus - but it was fun - and technique filled.


  1. Hey, foot fungus can be circular, too! I really like the way this turned out. Wacky and wonderful!

  2. Love the pieced background!
    Chris Predd

  3. Nice work Lisa. I like that you abstracted the fungi and then did a more traditional looking piece.

  4. Nice abstraction Lisa. I love the 'wonky' background, the perfect compliment to the circular 'shrooms'.
    I love your quilting as well.

  5. An effective abstraction. Who knew fungus would suggest this interpretaion. Good job. Good color scheme. Nice stitching. That you had fun shows.

  6. Lisa, this is FUN PIECE. I can see this being interpreted in many different ways, and I like the Fungi interpretation. I am always partial to some pieced work, especially as a background.

  7. I like the circles on the pieced background and also the color scheme.



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