Thursday, June 03, 2010

Waiting for Pizza

I kept thinking of the mushrooms in my frig and decided to use them for this challenge. I took a photo, transferred to fabric, then highlighted with watercolor pencils. It's 6 by 9 inches. Looks like I could have used more value differences seeing it here. I'm glad I at least made something as I have missed the past few challenges due to creative boredom. thanks for any comments, Chris Predd


  1. I like the way some are whole and some sliced. Your choice of border fabric and the blue/brown behind the mushrooms together with the vertical quilting makes them appear to be in an old barn or shed. I like the effects achieved and the piece. Nice...

  2. I like the dark dankness look to the piece, Chris. Glad you got to play this time.

  3. Chris.. this is great... Button mushrooms. My first thought was that of old barn... and Janice's... I can smell the 'dankness'.
    Well done!

  4. You have certainly conveyed the proper 'environment' for mushrooms Chris. The quilting on the mushrooms pops them out and seems very dimensional. Good work

  5. thanks to all for your comments.....I like the barn reference and can also feel the environment as typical for mushrooms. as a side note, some went in a salad, and others were stir fried with leftover steak and other veggies. HA!

  6. I love your use of colored pencils to create more contrast and interest. The orange satin stitching so effectively frames both the photo and the border. Also agree with the comments above. Glad you were able to do this.

  7. I love the richness of this piece! I'm not sure that the value differences need tweaking...I really like it as it is.

  8. These look ready to eat! Not sure you need more value differences - I like them as they are.

  9. Looks so realistic - but then again it is a photo transfer. Cleaver way to proceed.


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