Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Changing of the Seasons

This one was very hard for me. It took me five days to come up with an idea. I don't know how to do abstract on purpose and as as for the color I was trying for split complimentary but don't think I succeeded.

The background was a piece of fabric that I did some free motion quilting on. Added the brick wall, machine embroidered the tree on the right side.

The fungi in the bottom left hand corner is supposed to represent the leaves that are piled up in the corner of my house. The 3 Creative Studio's tip of the month was painting with Shiva paintstiks. I used that and scrunched it up for the fungi then I added drops of white paint for snow since there was snow on the original fabric.

It is 15 inches square.


  1. I think you succeeded with this challenge! I see more of a complementary color scheme than a split complement. The background and the tree are great. I like the way you manipulated the fabric for the pile of molded leaves.

  2. This is a very interesting piece. I am impressed with the fabric manipulation. I would say you did a good job of this challenge.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your thread work is awesome Betty! I really like the effect of the scrunched 'heap' of leaves/mushrooms/snow against the brick wall. Very effective. Nice work

  5. I agree with all the previous comments. It's nice to see such an interesting piece with less than bright colors. It certainly creates a mood. Chris Predd

  6. I ditto all of the above. I'm just glad it's coming into spring rather than reverting to winter right now, though. Nice piece.

  7. It has some great dimension on this piece. Kind of dull on the colors which captures the season you were portraying.


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