Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Woodland Sleep-Over

For the last couple months, it seems I have gone from one looming deadline to the next. This month is no different but I decided I was going to participate in the challenge come h--- or high water. The problem was I could only do so if I finished it by noon today as I am traveling the rest of the week and I had to make it fit at least one other purpose in order to justify the time spent. So I created "Woodland Sleep-Over" as a sample for a class I will be teaching in a couple weeks. The fungus is a shelf fungus which often grows on decaying trees and the colors are reddish brown/blue green and yellow green. It is still unquilted but I hope to rectify that next week. It is a painted wholecloth that started out as a piece of white PFD cotton. It is approximately 18" wide x 24 " high.


  1. Adorable piece! Nice job of hand-painting, I'm assuming, on your main pieces. I'd love to see it quilted when you're done. This would look so good hanging in a child's room.

  2. Your art work is superb Kathy! Is this paint or ink? I really can't wait to see this one quilted.

  3. Thank you Jan and Cherie!
    To answer Cherie's question, the piece is painted with Dye-na-flow paints from Jacquard. I love them because they are the consistency of ink or dye and I can get a watercolor type result on the fabric. Kathy

  4. so cute and cuddly. You need to have a story to go with it.
    Pat Havey

  5. You are a talented painter! Love the musical notes......Chris Predd

  6. You have wonderful control of the paint on the fabric. This will be an amazing piece when completed. So imaginative and interesting.

  7. What a great interpretation Kathy. The fungi that grows on trees.. yeah! and a little wren singing her heart out. I do hope we will see this quilted.

  8. What a great interpretation Kathy. The fungi that grows on trees.. yeah! and a little wren singing her heart out. I do hope we will see this quilted.

  9. I can't wait to see this one done! Please post once it is quilted.


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