Monday, July 19, 2010

The Big One

I thought long and hard about this challenge and mostly the challenge was to eliminate the many idease that ran through my mind. When the challenge came out, I was visiting Samoa and Wellington, New Zealand.

After getting home, I battled the jet lag, bad airplane germs and general spaciness. I wanted to get something done before the next challenge appeared.

Since I live right on the San Andreas Fault in northern California, AND had a 2.8 earthquake on Sunday morning while I was marveling at our recently returned sunshine, I thought that this was appropriate.


Sea Ranch, California


  1. Hi Carol... this is so appropo to California. Living 5 months of the year in Palm Springs, I am often looking at the photos of seismic activity. I am wondering about your background... is it a hand dye? It almost looks like the faux leather that comes from painting brown paper bags? In any event it has that 'rock'-y look to it.
    Glad you got back and could play.

  2. Carol, this is simple but very effective. It also looks like an electrocardiogram... also fitting with the title "the big one". Love the background texture. Glad you could join us on this one.

  3. I love the simplicity of this, and it is so fitting to the theme. Great idea.


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