Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Challenge 47 - Out on a Limb

Out on a Limb

FFFC #47 for July 2010 (due July 31st)

Host: Tobi Hoffman

Back when I was in third or fourth grade, my parents enrolled me in a Saturday art course at Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL. The one thing I remember most from that class was a method for drawing a tree: draw a line from the root, up the trunk, along branches until you end up at a twig, and continue doing this until you have filled up the entire tree with twigs. The trunk and branches grow a bit every time you draw those lines to put in another twig. I may not be able to draw a face recognizable as its subject, but I can still draw a tree! While this method is not as applicable to quilt art unless you are doing thread-painting, it introduces the theme of today’s challenge - the theme is trees, whether a seedling, or a seed, a twig, branch, a single tree, a grouping, or a forest – but look at it from a new angle.

Technique: Go out on a limb to try a technique that is new to you to create your tree. Take a point of view that is different from your usual one, bird’s eye, caterpillar’s eye, a pilot’s view, or a worm’s. Try a new way to embellish your piece, or incorporate some element you have never tried before. Use your least favorite color, and make it look good. Pull out crayons, beads, yarn, Angelina fiber, all of the above or none, but don’t forget one thing – have fun!

Links: 2/7/10, 3/6/10 posts, Patty VanHuis- Cox

(A whole show of tree art!)

From past FFFC’s: Betty Donahue Delta (Rhonda Blasingame) Lisa Albanese Tobi Hoffman (improved from blog) Lisa Albanese Susan Brittingham

The tree as artist:

Not quilted, but interesting, by Nina Kuriloff:

The baobab trees from “The Little Prince”:

An interesting blog on trees in art by Maureen Shaughnessy:

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