Friday, July 02, 2010

El Arco

El Arco is my contribution to this wonderful challenge. The geological formation is the predominant landmark at the tip of Baja California, Cabo San Lucas, and is often referred to as The End of the World. Finished size is 25"x19". Techniques used were mainly a form of confetti fusing as well as some thread painting. The edge finish is a 2" facing, and for a change, was successful. This is a favorite vacation stop for us as we have been there several times.


  1. Ann, this is a delight to the eyes. The color combination is wonderful, nice use of warm and cool colors and El Arco is so very well portrayed. I have been to El Arco... in a glass bottomed boat! Your confettie technique really gives texture to the rock formation.The touches of red add to the excitement of the piece . Your quilting certainly complements the piece. I like it alot.
    I can't comment on the facing aspect because to me it looks like a wide mitered binding...but it looks good.
    Well done.

  2. Ann
    Great colors, and certainly unexpected. I like the way the facing continues the fabric colors out to the edge. The confetti technique really lends itself to the creation of the rock formations. The orange makes me think of sun and heat. The purple "rocks" give the sense of their marching off into the distance. This quilt will really brighten up a dark corner.

    Kathy Walker

  3. Your color choices give your piece so much's wonderful to view and I especially like the play of values in the rock formation. I think you did a great job in this challenge. Chris Predd

  4. I love the unexpected colors. Nice balance of values and your confetti technique looks great.

  5. Unexpected colors, unexpected use of both the warm and cool colors. The confetti technique works so well for the rock formations. What a great idea. Your quilting adds interest and the red strips draw your eyes in to the piece.

    Great job meeting the challenge!

  6. This is great use of the unexpected color and your texture is rich and varied. Love the bubbles around the base of the rock formations. Good job.

  7. Thanks for all the great comments. The facing is actually to the back, while the mitered corners and matching colors are the borders. I stitched the facing to the front of the quilt with a wide seam allowance, then trimmed the corners and turned the facing to the back.

  8. Ann, I love the exciting effects you achieved with the confetti approach. You have all kinds of texture going on which gives depth and interest to your work. Great use of color too!

  9. I too love the excitement created in this piece, wonderful texture and colors.

  10. What a dynamic color combination! It vibrates with energy. I love the confetti to me. I will surely try it. Your quilting choices are spot on, creating movement and depth. Well done


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