Friday, July 02, 2010


This was a fun exercise for me. I started by looking at rock formations on the internet to get a feel for what real geo-formations are like. Then I went into my stash to find some “rock” fabric. Found this great red/orange commercial fabric that just said “stones” to me. Using a sakura graphics pen I let the fabric guide me to create fissures in the rock. I quilted with black thread along my black lines and then used a combination of throwing in a few Zentangle patterns in purple thread as well as playing with a little water color pencil to make the yellow highlights. The piece has been trimmed to 8x10 so as to fit into a standard black frame. My husband surprised me when he said he saw a dinosaur peeking out of the rock. Well Yah…it’s there to my amazement. I was thinking the agate slice would be the focus point, but I think the dinosaur has up staged it. It’s good to be back in the studio doing fast Friday quilts again. Thanks Kathy for a terrific challenge! Comments and critiques are appreciated.


  1. Joni, great job! The fabric did the talking and you listened. I see the dino, too... so cool when it was not planned.
    Your vriety of quilting patterns really adds to the texture and overall 'geo'...I have to say the color of your fabric is wonderful and I can only imagine this in a black frame.
    Way to go!

  2. The black outlines have created wonderful shapes. When I first looked, I saw the zentangles as the focal point. However, now that you have pointed out the dinosaur, not so much. My eye follows the feather stitch down the left to the zentangle enclosure then up to the yellows and over to the spider weby things to the black x in the lower right. The quilting gives me much to look at as my eyes move along. Great piece of work!

  3. Nice work. I love to let a piece of hand dyed fabric dictate where a piece goes. If it was my piece, I might have made one horizontal line break in the lower right to break up the vertical a little. I like it!

  4. OOH. I like this very much. Zentangles are so much fun, glad I can say my doodles are called something now instead of "wasted time and paper"

  5. the sharp contrast is great. Now that I found the dinosaur, I like it even more. Chris Predd

  6. Joni
    LOL it took me a bit to "see" the dinosaur but once I have it is hard to not see it. I like the contrast of black and red, and enjoy all of the different quilting textures you have used. I think I would have like a few more horizontal lines, but don't add them now , I think it would make the piece too busy which it currently isn't. All the vertical lines are moving my eyes out the top of the quilt. A black frame should help that. A fun piece congratulations.

    Kathy Walker

  7. This is fascination, I see a dinosaur and a human on the right side. Love what you've done here, the stitching gives the piece such texture and the hint of 'gold' keeps the eye moving.
    Nice job.

  8. I agree with all the previous comments except...try as I might, I can not see a dinosaur :-(
    Love the Zentangles, a current favorite of mine.

  9. Thank you all for your comments, Cherie, the dinosaur is just a head, with the yellow orb as it's eye. Rhonda, I don't quite see the human but I'll keep looking. This has really been a fun challenge, and has produced some incredible work!


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