Monday, August 30, 2010

Fall is Golden

Simple but hard! I've never tried foiling before and had some difficulty with getting the foil to stick. I finally figured that part out after two days trying! The leaves are foiled and then the veins quilted with gold metallic thread. I used the gold metallic thread to couch the fall colored cording around the leaves to frame them. The small washers on the corners and center sides are really some little plastic things I picked up at Hobby Lobby a couple of years ago. The background is quilted over the lines that were on the fabric. The edge was a problem until I found some small white rick-rack which I then went over with a yellow Sharpie and it amazingly matched the fabric. And, I'm optimistic that we will have a nice, warm, lovely fall with lots of color.


  1. WOW!! This doth fairly glow! A warm and long Indian summer to be matter what.
    The metallic foil really works as does the metallic thread. I like your little ..what..rivets?
    I am wondering what it would be like if you added some of the gold foil leaves on the right hand side of the piece, even over the stitching... a shadowy feel perhaps...just to give it an inclusion?
    That black on gold is FAB! and didn't the rickrack turn out nice. Love your optimism!
    Well done.

  2. This is a very beautiful quilt in its simplicity. Its quite "zen" and very elegant.
    what did you use to write "fall is cgolden" ?

  3. I really like this Jan, it is very well composed.

    I love the fact that the leaves are not maples/oaks/ or other such leaves used to depict autumn. (well, I know they wouldn't be golden then! But you know what I mean.)

    I think it is so elegant. Although it isn't Japanese looking, I think it has the clean line aesthetic of Japanese paintings.

    I do think it is very well balanced. The large black with the delicate leaves and stitching is balanced on the golden yellow side with the bold stitching and the black delicate lettering. in fact the stitching almost gives an abstract amber grain look.

    Not sure how you feel about how the foil sometimes "clumps" a bit. sometimes it is annoying, because it makes a piece look tacky. But in this case, I think it adds to the mood in a way. Like Fall/Autumn is fairly dripping with gold. very optimistic!

    and how serendipitous to find that you could colour the ricrac to get the right colour! I think the bumpy edge really does finish it off much better than a straight edge would. It rather echoes the edges of the leaves.
    So, how do you like it?

  4. thanks everyone. Carol, I'm unsure abouting adding something in the gold . Thought about it but decided I liked it best as is. If icould get something later maybe so.

    The little grommits are some 1/4" washers I found at hobby lobby in the bead section a few years ago.

    Not a black background for the leaves. It's a dark green varigated.

    I used the computer to print the words like Katie did. I've done this for several years.

    Thanks again!

  5. Gorgeous. Your foiling looks to be very successful.

  6. Simply Stunning! So warm and elegant. Fall is my favorite time of year and your piece embodies the richness and deep feeling of peace I feel when surrounded with autumns glory.
    I particularly like the asymmetric balance...Lovely

  7. I also love the asymetry of this piece. It is so calm and restful while the color is so warm. Your use of foiling is very effective. What a great idea the use of ric-rac is.

    Great job!

  8. I love the balance of your piece. It also reminds me of a japanese art piece. The gold and black work so great together and the quilting on the right side balances the leaves so well.

    Pat Havey


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