Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hazelnut Creme

Well, I finished one! This metals challenge has been fun, even though I didn't actually use metal. I had an empty coffee container on the counter that I had just emptied and thought it looked like a warm metal finish. I dug out the hand painted stash and found a couple that coordinated with the metal color.

After about an hour of playing around with the shapes, I settled on this arrangement. I had an old earring attached to the long rectangle on the left side but it broke during the final stitching. Seems like that was what happened to it's mate originally. There are a couple of paper fasteners along the bottom. They were the only other warm metals I could find for embellishment except for buttons which didn't seem to work. Still looking for the right thing but essentially finished.

Next time I try this I will try the soda can pieces instead of the coffee bag.


  1. I had to look closely to tell they weren't metal. I'd say your paper fasteners qualify. I like the balance you achieved and the quilting compliments your design well. I really like this piece!

  2. Hi Rhojo,
    Somehow though it looks like there is some shine. Is that the lighting?

    but even if it is not metallic, I think the composition is good as well. I actually think the paint effects lend itself a resemblance of rust and also the patina that copper gets when outside...roofing on the of the rotunda of certain buildings, Statue of Liberty, etc.

    So, although you may not feel you did metal full on, I think you have brought out the look of metal in some of its states. It isn't always shiny.

    I do think the little paper fasteners give just that touch of interest, I am glad you included them!
    I also think you have done well with the mixture of surface design textures. Well done.

  3. I agree with Sandy... At first glance, the piece says metal to me.... The greenish color and patterns in your fabrics really look like the patina on copper. It shows that you don't always need lots of metal to show the look of metal.


  4. You really got the feel of metal. I would not have known it wasn't if you hadn't told us.


  5. Love at first sight! was my first impression. Funny thing about the mind and color...I didn't see the 'green' as the color green, but as copper...that has turned green. My first thought was that it was a copper tile that you had used. I would say this is perfect for this challenge...
    Well done.

  6. A very successful piece. Lots of detail to look at, and the placement of the rectangles works very well. I don't think you need to keep looking!

  7. What a terrific abstract! I am in love with your complex cloth background. Is it stamped, screened...? Gorgeous colors, and I too would have believed it to be metal. Nice work

  8. This piece is fascinating. So much to look at and discover. I too thought I was looking at metal until I read your words. As someone else said, the background fabric is very interesting. It is the perfect counter balance to your rectangles.

    Great work!

  9. I love the patina on your piece. It is so pleasing to the eye I want to keep looking at it alot. If it isnt metallic it certainly looks it. All I know is that it makes me happy.

    Pat Havey


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