Saturday, September 04, 2010

Coiled Dragon

The Coiled Dragon likes music and does very intricate dances.

I cut a stencil of the dragon shape and screened a "cracked" design over the opening to make the patterning with metallic paint. The dragon details have been further painted and stitched with metallic thread. The floor has red holographic stitching. The edges also have coiled springy bits added.

And somehow I forgot optimistic all together! unless one needs optimism to face communicating with the dragon all together.


  1. Sandy.. your dragons have so much personality! Frankly, I am glad I will never have to meet one! ha..
    The techniques you used intrigue me, those I have never done. I would really like to be able to see more of the metallic, but I am sure in person it fairly glows.
    This was a great challenge and you are a great hostess! Thank you...

  2. Your dragons and their stories are alwys so much fun. I love the copper and red of this one. Sorry it is so hard to see the metalllic glow on screen. I'd llove to see them all together - Waht fun!

    Pat Havey

  3. Hi, thanks,
    the metallic is the blue paint pattern and then the dark blue metal springs around the sides. the stitching is a bit harder to see because of the contrast with the red.

  4. I really like the cracked design you have used on the dragon's body. It adds to the realism of your piece.

  5. Sandy

    I know why your dragon likes music - he looks like he's related to a cobra coiled up in a basket, swaying to a piper's tune! I like his metal patterned body, and the flames in the background quilting.


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