Sunday, September 05, 2010


It took quite a while for an idea to gel for this challenge. I often tell students to just doodle, drawing whatever comes to mind. This one was intriguing and felt like creations were springing forth like pollen or seed pods. My quilt measures 9"x9" and was a good size to work out this design. The metal thingies are 1/4" lock washers, whatever that is! They were hanging from a peg at Home Depot and just begged to come home with me.


  1. Ann... this is deliciously-delightful!! Whoever thought metal 'thingies'.. washer things could look so elegant! I am impressed. I really like your colors and it seems you had fun.. 'optimistically'counting on those metal parts to do their job on this piece. I am glad you could do it!
    the edge finishing suits.

  2. I like this development of the abstract design!
    The washers work as a smaller repeated version of the curves and partly seen circles. They also give dimension and balance to the large, bold design with their intricate brilliance.
    I think the background fabric is a good choice as well.

    Are you happy with the edge finish? I almost think with the different shapes colours it brings, that it detracts from the piece. Perhaps if you just did a black facing or small binding or even zigzag edge, it would finish it and still allow the bold graphic to have centre stage. What do you think?

  3. No, I am not really hapy with this edge finish and agree that a smooth binding or facing would have beena better choice. This pattern will probably show up again in one of my quilts, so I will try a new edge finish then.

  4. I love pieces like this which suggest so many ideas. The arc shapes, some open and some filled,
    work really well to move your eye round the piece, then the smaller pink pieces take you round the outer edges. Was the background fabric a hand-dye or did you discharge it?

  5. The background is a commercial monotone print of roses. I have used it often when I need a dark background with some texture and movement. Too bad it is almost gone!


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