Monday, September 06, 2010


Lace, 10" x 10"

I am not sure where I got the idea for making lace the metal, I know it seems incongruous. In real life, there is a lot of shimmer and shine.

This started as a plain piece of army green fabric; really ugly. The different colors in the background were made with fabric paints on stamps, rubbing fabric crayons over lace, and imprinting a piece of lace by painting it then using it for a print. That is the true black pattern on the right side.

I painted the added lace with metallic paints. I also painted through some lace to make a lacy gold pattern. The blue is actually Setacolor opaque , Shimmer Jet Black. Not sure why it is blue, but I think that was a bit of luck for me. I also used that paint for the word, "Lace".


  1. hurrah! you are here!

    This is a very interesting piece. all the textures work together well, even the non-lace portions adding to the feeling of lace through the rubbings and so on.

    I tried to use that shimmer jet black and found it was blue, as well. I think it worked well for you here though. The metallic effect of the blue works well to help the lettering stand out.

    I am curious about how you have edged it. I don't think I can see the edge in the photo. Did you finish it with some painted lace? I think it would probably work.

    This looks like it could be a good start to a series with a word in the centre...either decorative things like lace or things that go on clothing, etc. perhaps trying different colours and so on.
    Does it make you feel like something you would want to do again?

  2. This has lots of texture, and I imagine the metallic shows up much better in real life. I really like the word being reflected in the lace trims, and the different treatments add layers of complexity. I agree with Sandy that this could become a series.

  3. Thanks for the comments. This is designed to fit into a 10" x 10" frame because of a charity show which I do. All the works are framed with these 10x10 frames and all sell for $200. It is a GREAT show = artists offering 10" square works of art for sale to benefit an arts program in the elementary schools. The program is called, Arts are Elementary. It brings artists into the schools for a week of special workshops. What could be better = artists supporting a school arts program.


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