Monday, September 06, 2010

A fishy tale

When I read the challenge I was tossing up between foil and some knitted copper tubing that I had. The copper won, and it had always suggested fish scales to me, hence the mermaid. For these challenges I always have to use only what I already have at home. Luckily I had the sea fabric, and some nice grey batik for the rock. The border foliage is fussy cut from a print I have had for 10 years. The edge treatment is satin stitch with banana fibre couched over the top.
She does have a rather Aloha Barbie character, but let's face it, she probably doesn't have a philosophy degree! When I was researching mermaids I read that if you look in a mermaid's mirror you see your true self. The mirror is angelina fused on with black misty fuse. The hair is stitched with copper metallic madeira black jewel.

Size is 16 by 23


  1. oh how very good! the whole piece is composed so well and the copper is just the right thing in just the right place.

    What I also like is that your flowers in the front have that same "orange" colour as the tail, and the sunset sky in the background is more of a golden yellow, so works, too. Even the blue is more of a warm blue. how lucky to be able to find all these things that worked so well together. I think the warm colours make it unique, as you often see mermaids in cool colours and pinks and purples.

    I like the optimism. It is almost like the mermaid has only just been glimpsed through the foliage just after sunset. Watch that she doesn't slip away at the first rustle of bushes!

    I am sure this is one of those pieces that you would never have done if it weren't for the challenge, but I think you out to put it into some show or somewhere so others can look at it.

  2. This is FAB! I certainly cannot add to Sandy's comments... I am mesmerized by the tail.
    Great job!
    And glad you are OK following the earthquake

  3. I love your use of the copper! It really looks perfect. I think your quilting isd quite effective also. Are those jumping whales or porpoises in the quilting in the background? Good balancer, good color - GOOD work!

    Pat Havey


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