Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Luck O' The Irish

When I first read this challenge this image popped into my mind and I have been unable to even consider anything else...LOL

The pot is copper metallic lame, stitched with copper holo thread and has a handle of heavy copper wire. The handles 'anchor' is also metal beads . The 'gold' coins are metal as are the gold leaf 'nuggets'. The rainbow is various sheers.

I can't think of anything more optimistic than a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow :-)

The quilt measures 20" x 23" at the widest points.

Really fun challenge Sandy...thanks for a terrific climax to year four!

Comments and critiques welcomed and greatly appreciated



  1. Great little piece and fun way to incorporate metal. Every color you used works together well. The only suggestion I might make is that your hills in the back should be lighter than the foreground since colors become less dark as they recede into the distance. Perhaps some painting over them to lighten them a bit? Otherwise, I'd really like to have this piece hanging someplace in my house.

  2. Beautiful. Love your rainbow and everyone should have a pot of gold at the end of their rainbow.

  3. This is amazing Cherie... I see this rain bow across our valley regularly, but have yet to find that pot of gold! It looks so real, you have really done a good job with the metal. I like how the gold coins tumble and flash... I can almost pick one up, right off my screen.
    The mountains are OK in my opinion, ours are like that all day until the sun shines right on them...
    Your shape is intriguing, too... unusual for you, I think.
    A well done challenge.

  4. Hi Cherie,
    I like this idea.

    I think you made good use of the patterned fabric for the foreground. I also like how even the rainbow sparkles. It helps to take your eye away from the gold and balances it out. The gold needs to be the overwhelming focus because of the subject, but by using transparent and sparkly colours for the rainbow, it keeps it from being way too much.

    I like how you put bits of coins spilled here and there, too. I think your wavy edge and dark Irish hills work very well. If you live in a place where it rains a great deal, the hills are usually quite dark.

    I am curious, what did you use for gold coins?

  5. Thanks everyone.
    Sandy, the gold coins are off of a trim (like belly dancers wear?) that I found at Walmart. They're the only thing I didn't already have in my stash. I was so pleased to find them.

  6. I love the irregular shape of this piece and I love the transparent rainbow the way it takes your eyes across the piece. hat a clever response to the challenge. Great job!

  7. You are such a positive thinker. I think your about to find that rainbow. I love the positive message it all sends.

    Pat Havey

  8. I really like your foreground. It look so realistic, and the pot of gold works well.


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