Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Challenge 48 - Daybreak

I'm posted my piece Daybreak - well really - Daybreak2.

I choose the color pallet of daybreak since a new day is always optimistic. My first piece I did a lovely strata - but when I went to embellish it with metal - nothing was working - I couldn't do metallic thread or washers or what not. I usually only add embellishments if the needs it - if it can stand alone then I don't do it.

So I look some leftover pieces of the first quilt - whipped them together to make like music. Then I figured out how to make music notes with cooper wiring. Perfect example of how establishments make the quilt. Finished size is 16 x 8 inches.

In Sunny Seattle


  1. I am glad you perservered Lisa,
    you are right not everything wants a bit of metal on it. I have found that you really have to have it as part of your selection when you are working out the pallette.

    This is a fun little piece! And very optimistic I should say. Like whistling a happy tune?

    And just think, if you hadn't done the first one, you wouldn't have the bits for the second one!

    It would be interesting to see the first one. although you probably will keep it as is now, it would be fun to brainstorm about what other metallic things you might have done to it apart from embellishment. for instance, not all of the metallic threads are silver, copper, and gold. I have one in a dusty pink that might have worked for the stitching.

    Anyway, as I said your final solution is great. If you did feel like adding anything compositionwise, you could float a few more notes off onto the border and maybe even something like a whole note here and there on the binding, which would add even more optimism, but that would be up to you.

  2. This is a cheerful little piece! When I saw the musical notes and the soft colors for the scale I immediately thought about a bird singing his morning song to welcome the sunrise. Great accidental piece you created.

  3. Your colors are lovely. They do look like morning.

  4. This is a lovely, 'gentle' piece. It reminds me of how babies look when they first wake up...soft..
    The only thing I might suggest would be some of the music notes done in a gold foil in the border and maybe touching the binding..
    a lilt, perhaps is what I envision.
    I also like the cross-hatching you did with the quilting.

  5. A very peaceful, calming mood in this happy piece. I wish the treble cleff and notes could be a bit darker / more contrast. At first glance they're easy to miss. Perhaps a very thin line (pigma pen?) in a slightly darker shade, or soft shadow on one side of each...It's lovely the way it is, but would love to see the music 'pop'.
    By the way, have you played your little tune?

  6. I wonder what the music world could/would do if presented with their notes on a colorful background. This is delightful. I really can't add to what others have said. It is a great response to the challenge.

  7. I love your daring to go ahead and make a second piece from the remains of the first. It certainly worked out well. I have no new suggestions beyond the other folks.

    Pat Havey


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