Sunday, October 03, 2010

Challenge 49: Night Stalker Modified

"Night Stalker" is a fused applique piece using mostly batiks that was threadpainted minimally.
It is approximately 12" X 13".
The quilting is a repeated moth pattern, black on black.
The light source was a flashlight.
The modified version has added darks to the cat's back.
Thank you for this interesting first challenge.

Sue from NC


  1. Just beautiful. I like the way you gave the kitty some furry edges with your machine stitches.

  2. really great cat. What would happen if you hit a light spot on the edge of the right ear? Would it make the two light areas more cohesive? There needs to be some bridge of value to bring it all together, IMO

  3. Very well done!! I like it just the way it is. He looks like he's on the prowl and has just been caught. Good detail stitching.

  4. beautiful cat! I love it just the way it is. Effective quilting.

    Pat Havey

  5. I really like this cat! The only thing I am having trouble with is the light area above the left ear... I would rather see the outline of him going along his body to the right... FWIW! 2 cents?

  6. He looks like my buddycat Henry... love the eyes, you really captured that feline nature!

  7. Hi Sue, very chiarscuro..nice job! Expressive portrayal of a night-roaming cat...he looks very intent on something.

  8. Nice revision. the added black on his back makes the right ear come forward. Great job!

  9. Awesome chiaroscuro! He is fairly vibrating with energy! Well done!

  10. I think that you have nailed this challenge.
    Fabulous work.


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