Sunday, October 03, 2010

Vincent's Room

My first time trying this posting to a blog, so bear with me. I will attempt to post a photo of my chiaroscuro challenge. Let me know what you think!


  1. Hi there, I'm guessing this piece is by Karen (be sure to sign your name to your post!)

    Your piece is amazing...lifelike but stylized at the same time. The starkness of the room, the bright light ray, the shading of light and dark is so well portrayed. The creative quilting at the top is reminscent of Vincent's famous starry night. The only comment I have is that the black beam seems to stick out too much...maybe it could be softened with some of the white tulle?
    Great job...looking forward to seeing more of your work in the coming months

  2. very nice. like Cynthia, the black beam is a bit stark, maybe add more of that dark, dark in some of your other shadows. How big is this piece?

  3. Wonderful piece with great shading and lighting. I especially like the realistic flooring in texture, color and board spacing.

  4. It is around 8 by 10 inches. Thanks for your input!!!


  5. Love that shaft of light! Would the black stand out so much if the light area above the chair was a bit darker? Just a thought...

  6. Fabulous piece. I particularly like the way to made the fabric work for you in the flooring and the walls, The light source is strongly portrayed. Yes, the beam could be a litle lighter, perhaps brown rather than black, but it is a wonderful composition.

  7. I took your advice and fused a strip of brown over part of the beam. Also noticed a small shadow next to the beam in the photo, so added that as well. Sorry I neglected to sign my post. My name is Karol.

  8. Your choice of fabrics and quilting is excellent, creating a definite impression of VanGogh. I just read a novel about the painter, and this is just how I pictured his room looking!


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