Friday, October 29, 2010

Dandelion Ch#50 Rhoda

Thank you Kathy for a wonderful Challenge.

My Haiku:
seed pods billowing
the dandelion releases its
bright glaze of yellow

I had a lot of fun with this challenge. I had a piece of sundyed fabric that was perfect. The dark dandelion leaves were stamped on using india ink. I hand stitched the seed pods  and did some free motion quilting to depict the wind and the yellow dandelions.
The binding still needs to be sewn down, so there is a bit of a bow on one side.
I look forward to your critique.


  1. Thanks to all who take the time to critique my piece.

  2. Indeed those pastel colors in the background are perfect here, so delicate, and the seeds are also delicate. I've always loved the bright yellow of dandelions, and if anything, would like to see them a bit brighter.

  3. It's a beautiful piece, I like that you represented the dandelions in silhouette, with stamping, and with stitching, almost like the various seasons they go through.

  4. Rhoda, this is fab! The warm breezes wafting those seed pods into the air, yes I can pretty much smell the grass growing. I really like the special fabric and the stamping! So very well done.And, your handwork is always supberb! What else can I say??

  5. Rhoda, I love the floating feeling this piece gives. Your background fabric IS perfect. The detail on the little seed pods adds to the light windy feeling. It's all good!

  6. Rhoda, this is beautiful! From the darkness of the ground to the lightness of the sky, those heavy dandelions release their seeds which lightly float away.

  7. Hi Rhoda, I always look forward to seeing your work. What a great piece. I love the integration of the sun print and the stamping. How were you so smart to insure that there was a nice diagonal line in your sunprint. I will have to remember that dandelions can be used for more than wine and bitter greens. Great challenge response.

  8. Hi Rhoda, wow, nice sky and ground...very painterly and dreamy. Great job!

  9. I really enjoy looking at this one, it is so soothing to me for some reason, I love the dandelions and the pods drifting away on the breeze,,,I really feel this needs to be in my home alongside my photographs and artwork of dandelions :-D

  10. Very lovely.
    I like dandelions. I call them the unappreciated flower.

  11. Well done!! The sunprint is very effective and adds to the movement.

  12. Rhoda,
    What a great use of the perfect sunprint for this piece! The subtle shapes in the background give an ephemeral feel to the image and I can sense the seed pods drifting off on the wind.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I thought your piece was wonderful. Rosemary in St. Louis

  15. This piece is very beautiful and very effective. It is very grounded at the bottom and becomes very airy and light at the top whic is perfect for what you are depicting. I agee, it looks very much like a painting. Great work!


  16. Oh Rhoda, I adore this one! It is so soft and lovely, sort of harking back to a time when life was not so caught up in everyday pressures. It makes me sit back and say 'Ahh' life is good :-) I would love to hang this where I could see it every day.


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