Friday, October 29, 2010

Challenge 50 - Sunset Haiku

A splash of crimson

The fiery orb descended

Only night remains

I love watching the sunset behind the trees in my back yard… and so when this challenge came along I wrote my little poem. The lacy patterns the trees make against the sky just take my breath away, especially when we have a colorful sunset. The background is pieced in stripes of color, the trees and ground are appliqued. I used some thread painting for the sun, and some of the branches. It always seems to be a little sad, when the sun says it’s beautiful goodbye each evening.

Comments appreciated.


  1. Joni, to my eyes you have captured the essence of your Haiku beautifully. The colors are great and I love the texture created by your quilting. The lacey 'through the trees' really works.Good job!

  2. Lovely sunset, Johi. I like the way you silhouetted the trees over the colors of the sky and ground. This really made it effective. Your simple quilting gives the impression of air movements. Like it!

  3. Hi Joni, Your work definitely captures the essense of the Haiku. I love the background you created and the addition of the stitching of the branches and sun is very strong and bold to match the boldness of the silhouetted trees. A wonderful piece of work. Great job!

  4. Hi Joni, beautiful use of color and I really like the texture you got with the quilting..makes it come alive.

  5. What a great sunset! Matches your Haiku perfectly! LOVE the color here!

  6. What a wonderful depiction of a sunset. How lucky you are to get to see them from your house.
    Here we don't really have a sunset. It is light out and then someone pulls a shade and it is dark.

  7. Wonderful colors of the sunset. I like the perspective of seeing it through the starkness of the trees.

  8. Joni,
    I tried this once and blogger started acting up so I apologize if you get it twice!
    I think you have captured the hot colors of sunset beautifully. I love the small strip of pink between the bottom of the trees - it looks like a feflection of the light.

  9. Really like your choice of the bright, vibrant colors to replicate the sunset. I like the darkness of the trees against those colors. The threadpainted foilage on the bottom really adds to it! Would you consider adding some type of metallic highlight to the suns' rays?


  10. Trees silhouetted black against the sunset has to be almost my favorite thing in all the world. It never ceases to amaze me with the sheer beauty. You've made a wonderful piece of art depicting the glory. Love your haiku as well.

  11. Thank you all for your comments! Louise, I will consider adding some metallic highlights - good suggestion.


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