Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hide the Moom

misty mountain morn
autumn leaves against the sky
the clouds hide the moon

We've had a foggy fall here. Rainy and mornings where the clouds are just hanging out on mountains. As I drive to work in the mist, the rapidly changing leaves have stood out against the grey skies. The aspen and fire maples provided such a dramatic contrast that I wanted to try to capture that in a quilt.
I also wanted to move away from the pictorial themes we've had this year and move to a more abstract / representational style for the challenges. These are simply rectangles, placed for color instead of shape. I know the challenge talked about using the stitch as an element but this seems to need more simple stitching that moved to the background. So that's what I did.
It measures 18 x 26." Still needs a binding, and I know I'm late... the not-so-fast completion delayed by a crazy busy week at work.
Comments, of course, are welcome!


  1. Wendy, this is a very good rendition of your Haiku poem and the description of your fall weather.I like that you used the abstract sense... rectangles instead of realistic shapes.. the stitching certainly fits and reflects the simplicity of Haiku.
    good to see your work, always!

  2. Love your Haiku and the excellent representation. I agree tht it ll reflets the Haiku.

    Pat Havey

  3. Wendy, I like the way your piece works with your poem. I almost get the feeling that I'm looking out the windshield on a rainy day - maybe driving to work, and the wipers are about to swipe and make it all clear again. Excellent job on this challenge.

  4. Very nice piece. The abstract works well with your haiku. To me, this piece is very tranquil.

  5. I love your abstractional representation of your lovely Haiku. I wish I was better at abstraction. Great piece!

  6. I love your choice of color, subdued except for the leaves, which is how nature shows off her paintings. The use of the grayed fabrics in the sky and around the quilt really get across the feeling a foggy, rainy day. I love the abstraction of this piece and would like to try some of that in my work. The quilting is appropriate for the piece. I love it!

  7. Wendy, this piece represents the feeling I've had driving through the mountains of Southern Utah in the fall. Makes me feel so nostalgic. Funny how something abstract can evoke such strong feelings! Lovely work and equally lovely haiku.


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