Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trees Ablaze

'Tis lovely to be
at my window in Autumn
with the trees ablaze.
All I had to do was look out my studio window to know what I wanted to do. Both the haiku (my first!!) and the quilt just seemed to appear. I titled my quilt “Trees Ablaze” but was very tempted to name it “Tree-o”. I love play on words and that kept talking to me.

The quilt is 13” x 17”---and is not yet bound. It will have a narrow binding of the background fabric. We spent the day looking at and buying a new pickup truck!

All the pieces of this quilt are WonderUndered and quilted. Had a lot of popping sounds from the needle as it went through as many as six layers in some spots.

I had a good time with this and would be delighted to have comments.


  1. Haha.. Sally... I am with you, I like 'Tree-o'! and I do like it. I am mesmerized by your background fabric... the texture! I tried to see if it was the quilting but couldn't quite tell. I like the stitching on the trees and leaves.
    Will you be sharing your haiku poem with us? And congrats! on the new truck!!

  2. beautiful quilt Sally. Your portrayal of the fall leaves is stunning. The texture in the background is amazing! I love everything about it.

    Pat Havey

  3. Sally, you have an excellent selection of fabric to highlight the beauty of fall. I love the texture in this quilt, and the suggestion of shadows under the trees. Nice work!

  4. Very nice composition which fits the haiku. Wonderful texture and fall colors.

  5. Nice piece and so representational of autumn this year. Your chosen fabrics are perfect.

  6. Sally,

    I too am enamored with fall, it is such a glorious time of year. Love the play of the bright leaves against the dark trunks. The variation of blacks and grays on the trunks adds good texture. I like the ground below, is it supposed to be rocks, because that is what it looks like to me. It looks like it is made of batiks which are one of my all time favorite fabrics because of the variations they provide.

  7. Louise--The ground and the tree trunks and a couple of the leaf fabrics are batiks. They are also my favorites 'cause they are so versatile. That said--I think my favorite fabric in this piece is the background behind the trees. It is a piece of cotton that I've had for some time. In fact, a couple times I asked myself why I ever bought it.
    Now I know!!

  8. Sally, great representation of your Haiku, the colors are fabulous.It is a beautiful composition.

  9. I'm so envious of all of you lucky folks with wonderful fall foliage. Fall is the only seasonal 'change' I really miss here in Southern Ca. That being said, your lovely 'Tree-O' lets me feel the beauty. Terrific placement of leaves with just glimpses of branches here and there. Nice work, and lovely haiku too!


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