Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rainbow Haiku

My First Haiku

A rainbow
And now there's two
Rain and sun

We've been getting lots of double rainbows this Summer and Fall. After the rain and sun together it's hard to capture the second rainbow with my camera.

The rainbow's come across the sky and disappear into the trees behind my back yard.

For my Rainbow Haiku...I'm thinking abstract....I used all scraps from other projects, the rainbow colors are from Batik scrap-bag purchased at an IQA show, green at the bottom scraps from pine trees I was cutting for postcards.

The sun trimmed edges from a 50th anniversary quilt. All scraps sewn to a rainy grey background.

Serpentine quilting on layered background, next the "trees" at the bottom eyelash yarn across the top for rain. Sun and rainbow colors finish my abstract Haiku.


  1. Janice, great abstract and also wonderful interpretation of your lovely Haiku.
    The background fits perfectly and I really like where you put the Haiku :)

  2. Janice, there's a child like simplicity to your abstract that makes it very's vivid and exciting. Great job!

  3. I, like Cynthia, thought of a child's rendition of a rainbow in the sky. They usually make things bright and simple and thus become quite powerful. I like the way yours turned out. And as Rhoda said, the background is perfect for this piece. Nice!

  4. All said above... interesting rainbow that does not 'bow'... I believe it adds a charm that is reminescent of childhood..
    Glad, too your Haiku is on the face of your piece.

  5. Bright, cheery piece. I think the multicolored binding helps carry the rainbow theme. The square sun adds more interest.

  6. Janice,
    I love double rainbows. Yours are bright and cheerful and add lots of movement to this piece.

  7. Hi Janice, Double rainbows are such a treat. I have seen very few in my lifetime. Your colors capture the excitement that their occurence generates. I love that the words are on the front of your work as well. Great challenge response.

  8. Janice,

    Love the vibrancy of your colors and the use of the yarns for great texture!


  9. Nice abstraction of all the components. I love the gray sky...perfect backdrop for all that color

  10. Thank you for all the comments on my challenge piece Rainbow Haiku.
    When I started this piece I thought a circle for the sun...(I use lots of circles in my designs)and curved pieces for the rainbow.....BUT...I thought the streight strips were more abstract.
    Ialso thought a light color for second rainbow...but since I can't catch 2nd rainbow with my camera...I just made them both bright.



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