Friday, October 29, 2010

Life and Death at once.

Long shadows reach out.
The time has come for sleep. Caught!
Life and death at once.

Whole cloth background fabric, using 'stitch' to define the pretty much dead grasses in the form of free motion quilting. Reverse applique was used for the branches and 'long shadows'. The spiders web speaks for itself..... I used some tulle for some of the web....

Simple, effective... to match the simple, effective words of Haiku.

With this piece I was able to get two-for-one........ here is the reverse side..

14.5 x 14.5


  1. Great job, Carole! I'm glad to see more folks working in abstract rather than pictorial. Love the flow of this piece... the contrast is great! I hope to get to mine tomorrow... tis been a nasty week.... but the weekend will be spent at home!

  2. Gorgeous, Carol. Yes, simple & effective like Haiku,and therein lies the beauty. There's lots of movement in this piece, all directing toward the web.

  3. Carole, this piece says a lot! You've captured the essence of falling into sleep in a beautiful yet dangerous way. It really makes the viewer take pause and think. I love the graceful lines of the quilting, so glad that you showed us the back, which is just as alluring and beautiful as the front.
    Super Job!

  4. I never would have guessed this as whole cloth. Perfect choice and your quilting is beautiful! This perfectly depicts your Haiku. Wonderful!

  5. Fabulous Carole, the stitching is beyond wonderful. The whole piece is all consuming, the eye is drawn all around and back...wonderful job. Perfect Haiku and a piece of art to match.
    Well done my friend.

  6. Hi Carole, so you found time to do a piece...good for you! and for us, too...this is lovely and the close up reveals all the beautiful stitching. Did you consider extending the web points a bit faintly to anchor it into the picture? not sure it would add or detract...just a thought.

  7. I like your title, too. It is a piece that makes you think. I like it.

  8. Wow! What a wonderful, elegant quilt. The movement and the sparkle of the tulle certainly entices life into death. Wonderful contrast and superb quilting.

  9. Carole,
    This is a beautiful piece that captures the sense of the words perfectly. The spider web makes me think of dream catchers, adding to the sense of something ending and something beginning.

  10. Thank you everyone for your comments, I really appreciate them! This was a great challenge.

  11. Carole, Can't add much to what the others said, except 'ditto'. It's a terrific piece. Well executed and captures the essense of the Haiku.

  12. Love it and appreciate the contrasting thread used for quilting. I have never seen a full cloth quilt done in quite this manner, and I love it!


  13. Awesome Carol! The haiku almost takes my breath away it feels so ominous. Your quilt is dangerously enticing, luring all movement toward the web. Love it!


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