Saturday, October 02, 2010

work in progress - Diane / yarngoddess

Updated, October 29, 2010
I've added white pencil to the yellow sunlight areas and quilted the dark purple shadows. I have a lot of thread ends to bury tonight. I'm considering whether to quilt the yellow areas. It would have to be in at least two different colors I think. Not sure I'm up to that much burying.

Blogger isn't my usual platform... hopefully you can see two photos. One is a sewer drain in a parking lot and the other is the beginning of my quilt for the Challenge #49 Chiaroscuro. I have begun on the upper right of the quilt. I'm excited to actually have an idea that I want to work on with fabric from my stash. I'm fusing these on the wrong side of a commercial fabric that looks hand-dyed. I'm interested in comments and hope to finish the cutting and fusing tonight.

It took me awhile to sift through the impossible dream quilt ideas to get to one that was more do-able.
I took a lot of new photos and looked through all my old "artsy shots." In the end I had too many ideas! Several are resting in the trash bin. I do appreciate the pressure of a deadline and hope to do better next time. I have thoroughly enjoyed everyone's photos and learned so much already from the work shown and the comments offered.

October 4 Update: The fusing is done.


  1. Hi Diane, Love the idea and the photo of the sewer drain...there is alot of the chiaroscuro contrast in the photo. The drama is bit lower in your piece because the light is not light light and the dark is not very dark. I'm sure it will be an effective piece, but if you pumped up the drama to more like the could be fantastic.
    Glad you're in the group and I look forward to seeing lots of your work!

  2. I agree with you on all points. I considered flipping the yellow over and using the reverse which is lighter - shoulda, woulda, coulda - but didn't afterall.

    I am hoping as I add rows of rectangles that more is more and that quilting will give it some drama. If not, this is just #1 in my Sewer Series. :o)

    :Diane - yarngoddess

  3. Diane... great idea and welcome aboard! Lateness is a common affliction here... no apologies needed or required.
    I agree with Cynthia... more contrast needed.....
    How are you cutting those pieces? I enlarged the photo and they are so perfect... they almost look beaded!
    Keep going!

  4. Hi Diane,
    It will be fun to see your series take shape.
    There are so many different things you might do.
    Penny Irwin

  5. I cut the pieces with scissors after drawing around a template with a purple Sharpie. I could see a line around each rounded rectangle.
    Thanks for looking - so closely! I'm ready for my close-up. I have all the units fused and I'm thinking about paint on the yellow fabric to lighten. What do you think?

  6. I think paint would do the trick. This has promise of a very sticking piece and an interesting series. I too, often take pictures of drains and grates. Please post when you are finished.

  7. ooohhh, this has huge possibilities... looking forward to seeing more. I learned a big lesson in contrast on my coleus piece.. so don't hesitate! haha...

  8. I agree that you should try some paint. You might want to make a sample piece using the same yellow and purple to experiment on. Its a fun piece. Keep us posted.

  9. Paint can do wonders! Love the stuff. I can't wait to see when you lighten it. You're doing a great job so far!

  10. It appears you shaded the purple on the left, and it is very effective. Great piece.

  11. I appreciate the encouragement and positive comments from you all. The dark purple fabric is an iridescent woven of blue threads crossed with red ones so the color changes with your angle of vision. Hard to photograph, too. But it gives the piece some life. I haven't darkened yet, I plan to try to do some quilting with a dark thread to accomplish that. I am planning to alter the yellow fabric with paint or something so I'll be posting more progress photos. This may be the challenge that never ends.

  12. Have you considered the possibility of a light sheer overlay, maybe with a bit of irridescence? Can't wait to see it quilted


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