Friday, November 05, 2010

Challenge 50, Haiku - Wyoming winds

Wyoming winds blow
whether clear skies, rain or snow
Snow birds wave good-bye

I wasn't able to work on this last week, so did it this week (still within a one-week time-frame).  It is 18" x 22", commerical fabrics, the foreground fabric is overdyed; embroidery; hand needle-felting, and applique.

Great challenge Kathy.  Thank you.


  1. Wow Linda, this is beautiful! You have embodied the essence of the wind in your haiku perfectly. The simple lines of quilting in the sky traveling over and under branches is so effective. Worth the wait!

  2. This is a great piece! I love the dandelion below and the stormy looking, cold sky depicting winter's approach. The geese are flying just like you'd see them. Love it!

  3. This is a great piece which clearly depicts the haiku from which it is made. I really like the perspective and the hand embroidery. Your frayed haiku piece looks great. I wish I was traveling south with those snowbirds!

  4. Linda.. this is definitely worth waiting for! A very well executed piece picking up the Haiku so beautifully. I love everything about it ,, the hand-felting is so soft... the dandelion seeds going 'with the wind'.... My first thought was 'Gone with the wind'...
    I really appreciate that you have your poem on the front... frayed edge suits.
    This was a superb challenge and you met it well.

  5. Linda what a beautiful quilt. Studying the tree I can almost feww that wind.

  6. Linda,
    Your piece really gives a sense of the fall winds! I love the dandelion in the foreground and I am so happy you finally got to use your "problem" fabric!

  7. Linda, this is a very dramatic quilt! I felt a little shiver as all that wind came into play. Love the way you have the dandelion seeds trailing off with the wind. The sky has all the promise of winter coming on as the birds leave. A little more quilting in the sky might add even more drama to the piece - but it is great as it is!

  8. Linda,
    So many delightful things to enjoy in this piece and the movement of the birds, tree limbs and the dandelion fluff all work together to portray the meaning of the poem.

    The sky fabric and the green fabric in the foreground are both very textural and exciting. But the purple hills fabric leaves me wanting more - maybe some thread painting or more hand embroidery?

    :Diane - yarngoddess


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