Sunday, November 07, 2010


"The rat a tat tat
of the evening drum
Even the woodpecker
stops to listen."
This is haiku by Issa, a Japanese poet from over 200 years ago. As is often the case for me, I was able to combine two challenges; our Haiku challenge and the metal r rust challenge from my art quilt group. After a great lesson on rusting fabric I went home and wrapped some PFD around an old barrel hoop. While I didn't get the shibori-style markings I had hoped for, I did get some intriguing striations that reminded me of bark. That worked well because the Haiku I had selected was about a wood- pecker. What luck! Next step was to layer sections of rusted fabric over the bark-like area to add a little more depth. So as usual, I am way late, but wow, was this fun!
Ann In Walnut, CA


  1. Oh boy, this is incredible Ann! Your rusted fabric is perfect for the tree trunk, feels so textured. The woodpecker has such 'atttidude', he's great. Your border is wonderful and woodsy...I love it!

  2. Ann, I think it was more great planning than luck, your rusted fabric is perfect for the bark. Enjoyed your haiku as well. The texture your quilting adds really makes this piece come alive.

  3. Ann,

    This is really a beautiful, unique piece. The rusted fabric really depicts the tree texture well. At first I thought the black lines were pen and ink, but now I see it is the stitching. Very well done!

  4. What a great idea. Great great Quilt one of my favs:)

  5. This is a wonderful, wonderful quilt!

  6. Perfect rusty fabric choice for your subject and perfect choice of the poem.

    The border is a good contrast but seems a bit wide. I wish the bird had more space behind him.

    :Diane - yarngoddess


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