Monday, November 08, 2010

Grandma Rides Old Blaze

Grandma rides Old Blaze
New Mexico adventure
Many years ago.


  1. Way cool Anne! It realy tells the story well.

  2. Thanks, Ann. I meant to write more about this quilt. My mother, who is almost 89, is writing her memoirs in bits and pieces. When she was 18 and had graduated from high school, she was sent to a girls school in Santa Fe. This was because my mother was deemed "not college material" by the high school (they were wrong!). Anyhow, she had great adventures there, including a pack trip on Old Blaze, a sway-backed stubborn but gentle horse. I'm giving the quilt to her for Christmas.
    Anne in Walnut, CA

  3. Anne,
    I love the backstory of your quilt and that it is going to a good home. I'm also glad to hear you intended the horse to be sway-backed. You certainly captured that beautifully! WaHoo!

    :Diane - yarngoddess


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