Monday, November 29, 2010

Not Quite Right!

I'm pretty sure this piece is far from the intent of this challenge, but it just wouldn't let me do it any differently! I really wanted to use triangle shapes, but only one would come out and play with me, so that's my title, Only One! It's about 18 X 20, and you can see that I am still mostly a quilter. No experiments with new fabrics or paint or burning anything...!


  1. I love your quilting pattern as it adds visual interest to your quilt.

  2. I like how the border matches the triangle and how you mirrored the pattern of the triangle fabric in the quilting.

  3. I love the simplicity of the single triangle. It looks like a wonderful kite doing acrobatics in a sunny sky. Love your quilting

  4. Kathy, I just laughed when I read your description. The quilting is great ..... I think if you had used triangles in the quilting, it would have fit this challenge more... but then, the idea is to have fun, and indeed you did! Great fun!

  5. I agree with Wendy about the triangular quiltingbut I love what you did. Your quiltingreally is wonderful.

    Pat Havey

  6. At least is "just only one shape" I think you meet the challenge requirement in some way :)
    I find this piece attractive in its simplicity and the quilting is really nice! congraturations!

  7. I did actually think about quilting triangles, but it was after more than half of the quilting was done already...I was a little slow on the uptake for this one. Triangles would have been better, but if I find another triangle fabric that wants to come out and play, I'll try it that way!

  8. The one lone triangle is very effective, the binding in the same color adds much interest. The quilting is wonderful.

  9. Very cool, what lacked in repetitiveness of the shape is made up for the fantastic quilting. Great movement in the quilting.

  10. Very nice piece and I like how you echoed the triangle fabric pattern in your quilting. Triangular quilting would certainly give it an entirely different look but not sure it would be as elegant or add as much movement.

  11. Hi Kathy, I'm drawn to the color and patterns of your piece...very lively. I do think that 2 more triangles would add more interest

  12. kathy.. I love that you took this challenge so literal! haha...'one' shape! and your quilting is exquisite! I agree.. three would probably add more interest...but what fun!


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