Tuesday, November 30, 2010


22" x 18"

I started out this project by choosing a shape. While working at the Arts Center, in Clemson, last week I had time on my hands and started doodling with the idea in mind of coming up with a shape for this project.

Terry Jerrard-Diamond ,whom I took a class from recently, taught us to take paper and cut it into shapes and place them on a background until we came up with something pleasing. I cut out a lot of the same shapes brought it up to my great room and laid it out on my ottoman. I posted about this on my blog. http://marilynhwall.blogspot.com/

The next morning I took the shapes down to my studio and started working again. I tried my best to stay abstract but realism won out. What can I say.

I have not quilted this yet but don't see it happening until after the holidays. I two have been working from my stash, not intentionally but because I have soooo much fabric. I also have been working a lot in black and white with a touch of red. This was not intentional in this project but just seemed to happen. Comments are very welcome. Did you see anything on my blog post that had potential?

PS: the name came from my husband. When it saw it his comment was "looks like a poinsettia".


  1. So what if it looks like a pointsettia? Tis the season. The only suggestion I would make is that you've used sets of 4 to consistently make this design. What if you added smaller shapes all around the outside between the gray and white? That would be 8 around then. Good job...

  2. Marilyn, what I saw first was that the image was not really centered on the background, but then I like that! I agree with Jan, you could add smaller elipses in the negative space or layer them for more visual interest. Great colors, burgundy is one of my favs! Nice work!

  3. I like your colors and the pattern. I would suggest overlapping some larger leaves along with smaller leaves on the outside edge or maybe bead the outline of some leaves. Maybe even traputoing the leaf shapes and highlighting them with a light transparent paint.

  4. Isn't this the poinsettia time of the year? Why not go with that and add some glitz that shouts holiday time! I can't see it as anything else now, and I don't think it needs more leaves. It would be nice to see some of the background (or add some of that color) in a cutout area of the lightest back petals, or the next layer, just to carry through the red a tiny bit more.

  5. It really looks like a poinsettia, and it's ok for the season :)
    The only thing I can say is that IMO you've used too much gray shades. I can see that you've put the leaves with an order, but it still seems irregular to me and too much dark on the side of the big dark grey leaves.
    What if you put the two dark grey leaves in opposite position instead side by side?

  6. Very nice! Love the colors, each one shows off the shape. Well done, I would say you certainly met the challenge with a lovely piece of art.

  7. I would love to see some glitz in this piece. Have you considered perhaps a few crystals , say in the center or something? It's a lovely piece overall

  8. It sort of looks like a poinsettia but so much better. Very well done the changing of scale worked very well for your shape.

  9. I like that the poinsettia points are slightly off kilter from the points of the square. Did you do this on purpose? Very elegent seasonal piece.

    Veronica Von Zwehl

  10. You have received some good suggestions. The darker gray leaves seem to blend into the background fabric. Nice composition and I like the off center orientation. Adds much more interest to your piece.

  11. Hi Marilyn, this is a lovely monochromatic piece...I really like the fabric choices. I would add some clear crystals/bead to make it sparkle like it was dusted with snowflakes.
    good job!

  12. the suggestions have been positive and I too like the colors you chose. Some embellishment in the center but I am thinking something yellow? drawing the eye to the center? I know you will come up with the exact right thing... will we see it completed?

  13. Thanks for all the comments. They are useful and I think when I quilt the piece some of these suggestions will be covered. I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Hopefully I will get it finished after the holidays.


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