Friday, December 31, 2010

Amorphous by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Here's my Challenge 52 Color Field piece. I've been awed and inspired by the work of Clyfford Still ever since I saw an exhibit of his work at the Denver Art Museum a few years ago. I love his organically shaped color fields and I tried to use that feel when I free cut the color pieces and fused them to the blotchy hand dyed background. Lot of quilting to add texture, which isn't a color field concept since they emphasized the flat surface....but then again, they didn't have the glorious quilting stitch in their toolbox!

Comments and greetings welcome



  1. Happy New Year! Thanks in advance for your greetings and comments

  2. Very nice! Lots of movement and contrast.

  3. Nice! I like your balance of color with the 3 purple shapes and that one mass of color is formed by grouping the black and gray. I particularly like the quilting and feel that for art quilters to do Color Field, it should include stitching.

  4. As the sense is beginning to come to me, I have to say I find this an interesting piece. I am not able to critique... but I like it.. and I find the lower two pieces going horizontal against the vertical of the rest gives a feeling of tension and helps move the eye around. The colors you have chosen are great, and I do like the toned down yellow background [I am a fan of yellow]...The quilting on this adds another dimension.. and a pleasing one.
    Good job!

  5. Happy New Year back at you Cynthia!
    I learned so much on this challenge. Had to Google your inspiration artist Clifford Still.
    Your piece is very Clifford Still-like. And it does seem to "tear down" through layers.
    As always, your quilting rules.

  6. Love the quilting as always. I want to see more purple, for some reason.

  7. I love this piece. Am so impressed at your ability to cut out such complex freeform shapes. Love the yellow background and your use of the black and grey. Actually like everything about this. Would not change a thing.

    Great response to the challenge!

  8. I like your interesting design. It almost looks like a map of Virginia with all its inlets and bodies of water. Nice color combinations and contrast. Pam Clark, Iowa

  9. Hi Cynthia: I really like that you quilted the yellow differently from the other colors. In the picture it appears that there is a thin line of black fabric peeking out from behind the grey. I think it really makes the grey stand out. So many interesting shapes and negative/positive spaces formed by the placement of each color. Great piece. Veronica Von Zwehl

  10. Love the movement achieved here. I find color field pieces sometimes lack movement and flow around the piece for me. This hits the mark and the color is lovely as well and really helps with flow.

  11. This is a very intriguing piece which pulls me in with the shapes and colors used. I think that the stitching is necessary as a piece done by a quilter.

  12. Yep, like this alot. The colors are perfect, the quilting is fabulous (as always).... I almost saw geckos running across the field!

  13. It's all been said. Great quilt!

  14. Love this piece. I particularly like those bits of purple, especially the tiny one that breaks up the lower right corner.


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