Friday, December 31, 2010

Playing The Field

This will be around 8.5 X 11" when bound.
Seamed fabric creates a hard edge. One thing I did to mask this was to cut the edges free hand and slightly curved. The edges are still "hard" but not ruler straight. Another thing I did was to use matching colors. The yellow is there to create "vibration" between the two colors.
There were several things I considered experimenting with to give the illusion of painted edges.
Due to the time restraint I settled on painted fusible bond. There were actually two colors of yellow painted onto the glue but the lighter seems to have totally dominated the darker yellow.
The weather did not cooperate. I gave up on the paint drying before Spring, tacked the glue down with the iron and scanned it. For quilting I am thinking putting this over a deep, spongy bat and creating little dimples here and there. I am thinking that will add spots of light and shadow. What do you think?
This was a fun experiment.


  1. Hi Penny, good to see you back here!
    This is a great example of color field art. Subtle shift in background color and that distinctive shape with interesting edges and a transparent feel...just wonderful!
    I think your plans for quilting are perfect to create a bit of texture and light/shadow.
    Great job

  2. Penny, I think Cynthia said it all. This is a wonderful example of color field constructed in fiber.

  3. What a super job of interpreting this challenge... goodness Penny, it is good to see you again...I missed you!
    I join the others in saying.. to my sense.. it is right on!

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing this piece quilted. The painted fusible is perfect.

  5. Penny, I have nothing to add to what the others said. A great job of creating 'color field'. Also, you have brought me a new appreciation for painted fusible web which I have fiddled with before with limited success. I think I will try again. I think your quilting plan is on the mark.

    Terrific response to the challenge!

  6. Penny: I really like this piece. The two shades of blue/green are very effective and the yellow band works very well. The texture in the yellow draws you into the quilt. Really nice. Veronica Von Zwehl

  7. Excellent color field piece. Your trick with the fusible is very effective in this piece and the subtle color change in the ground contrasts with the accent nicely/. Well done!

  8. This is a very nice piece. I like others love the transparency that the painted fusible provides and the subtle difference in the foundation fabrics. I would love to see it when it is finished.

  9. I love it. The irregular yellow lacy line really makes the piece. Great job.
    Judy Rys

  10. The fusible webbing made the quilt!! Great way to achieve dimension and soft edges--thanks for sharing the technique. Please post after it's quilted.


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