Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Challenge 52 - Chasing Rainbows

I'm kind of at a loss for this one. I went ahead and attempted it, actually this is my second attempt. The last was just two colors and didn't really pop. It isn't an abstraction of an object. It is so named Chasing Rainbows because of the colors I used, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. Final size 18 x 13 inches. I quilted in the six colors quilting each shape on the half. Made for an interesting plaid.

In Rainy Seattle


  1. Hi Lisa, I love that you used colored threads to pull this together. I also love your name of the piece. I think this could be described as a Color Field study since it is flat color that is all important to the composition. Nice work!

  2. When I look at this piece I can see a sort of juxtaposition between day and night, light and dark. The left half is more bright while the right half have a darker feeling.
    I like this and the coloured threads you've used to quilt :)

  3. Because this is an opinion and not a critique, I have to say I like what you have done with color. The thread adds an element to the piece that brings it together.
    Well done!

  4. Lisa, I also think this is a 'color field' work and that the quilting enhances it. Good name. As I look at this piece, I imagine you placing the pieces of fabric on the piece and imagine that it went quickly and easily. Is that true or are you one of those who makes it look easier than it is?

    Great job!

  5. The contrast between the bright colors and the black along with the deliberate freeform pattern of quilting creates strong tension for me. I like the way that the changing of the thread color mimics the illusion of weaving.

  6. Hi Lisa, great piece...I like it alot. Colors, composition and quilting are wonderful!

  7. Lisa,
    You have a good "vibration" going on between the colors you chose. Your placement also helped achieve this.


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