Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Falling Colors

I almost didn't do this one. I had never heard of the color field concept and it just seemed so foreign to me even reading about it.

When I went back and read about it again it made more sense and I THINK I understand it now.

Anyway -- this is what I came up with.

The size is 14-1/2" x 20"


  1. Betty, can't comment on whether it is Color Field or not but I can say that it is very nice! The colors are terrific, I love how the quilting follows the curvy lines of the shapes, I can see so much movement in this.
    Wonderful job on the challenge.

  2. I think this fits the challenge very well, no part of this can be taken away without destroying the concept of the whole. That's what I understand Color Field to describe. Nice job!

  3. Love the colors... I am not able to critique,tho'. I think you chose well for your quilting lines.

  4. I love bright colours, and I love when I see them surrounded by black, so I really like this piece. also the quilting motive fits very well.

  5. Betty, I think this is a really great response to this challenge. IMHO. Janice's comment above is right on the mark. It feels complete and whole. The title helps my understanding of the piece. The quilting adds to the piece without interrupting or confusing. Terrific job!

  6. I also love the vivid colors on the black. Nothing stands out as a focal point and the contrast between the black and colors along with the diagonals adds some tension. I think that the simple quilting adds to the illusion of the single dimension of this piece.

  7. Hi Betty, great piece...good job! It seems a bit more OP art than color field, but it is so nicely done, who cares what we call it!

  8. Very bright and colorful. I love the matching binding.

  9. This piece almost vibrates off the page. You did a wonderful job of creating motion and vibrancy with the use of contrasting colors. Pam Clark, Iowa


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