Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Challenge 51 rothequilter

I really got into this challenge. I already posted a quilt made of squares. My daughter suggested spheres for this challenge, and I decided to do a second one. I don't like fusing or machine applique very much, so I needle turned all the circles. I quilted with 2 strands of embroidery floss, all circles, except for the border. It seemed to need some straight lines mimicking the design in the fabric. I had beaded some disks and turquoise seed beds, but after I finished beading, I decided that the disks took away from the effect I wanted. I am posting one picture of the finished quilt, and a detail. ro the quilter


  1. I love your stitching and the circles on the border. I'm wondering what would happen if you moved some of the orange circles down through the blue, so you created more of a line of movement rather than separating the blue and the red.

    I do think it is sort of neat how you used the "transitional circles" witht he greens and some of the reds in it.

    The stitching really gve it some extra umph. All my favorite colors! How did you know?

  2. Rosemary... great interpretation of the challenge... the colors are great, fabric choices are wonderful and the quilting really adds to the impact.
    What would have happened if the junction between the central panel and the borders had rounded corners?
    Nice job.... thanks for playing!


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