Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fractured, Challenge 51

I am adding this here even though it is totally late, at least it will be on the blog with the rest of the Challenge entries. This is my take on Challenge 51, my choice of a repetitive unit was the triangle. Course my triangles are not the same, not the same size, nor actually the same shape. I did use the same fabric more then once to provide repetition within the design. This is a small quilt only 11.5 inches square. What took so long was the other things I needed to get finished before Christmas, then the hand stitching I was doing on the triangles, and finally the need to finish another project before I could finally finish this one. Fabrics used are all hand dyed, though not by me, I prefer to purchase my fabrics. The background was machine quilted, and all of the triangles hand quilted. For additional information on how I put this together you can visit my blog, and see in-process photographs.
Kathy Walker

1 comment:

  1. I love the colors you used, the light blue, orange and red. The arrangement gives a nice feeling of motion as well. So glad you posted this on the blog!


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