Saturday, December 04, 2010

Fair Ribbons Quilt

This is something I've been wanting to do for awhile and when I read the rules that all pieces had to be the same shape I figured this is the time to do it. It is much larger than my usual Fast Fridays.

It took the first two days to sort the ribbons. I started sewing the day after Thanksgiving. I still have to tack down the tops.

The ribbons are from 1990 thru 1993. One of the fairs had a 50th anniversary in 1992 and all their ribbons that year were gold.

I used a piece of quilted fabric for the backing and attached the ribbons with a serpentine stitch and also considered that to be the quilting.

My husband thought I should use all red, white, and blue or just do the 1st and 2nd prizes. I like the variety of colors.

I don't like the white streak going through the picture but I guess it must be the way the light hits it.


  1. Wow Betty,, this is a work of art. You have really made a great memory quilt. The colors look fabulous too!

  2. Betty,
    Now you have to enter this one in the fair! LOL They would love to see it and I can't believe you got all those ribbons in three years! That represents a lot of work.

    Great project idea.
    :Diane - yarngoddess

  3. This is wonderful! I really love the idea of using the ribbons to make a quilt with and I agree you should enter this one,,if you win another ribbon for it, it can be made into a pillow covering all by itself :-D


  4. All I can say is that you are certainly industrious to have won this many ribbons and then to turn them into a quilt. Now you have a great way to display all your hard work.

  5. What a good and effective use of your winning ribbons! I turned mine back to the Fair committee for re-use, now I wish I hadn't. But the few I have garnered since [one Fair], I just may find a use for them now! instead of being in the box.
    What size is it? and Yes... you must enter this into the show again...

  6. One of my guild friends dressed a manniquin in a hoop-skirted dress using leftover ribbons.... very fun idea. Nice work.

  7. Thank you everyone.
    It is about 70" x 90"

  8. Wow! You should enter it in the fair. Great that you put in all colors not just two. Is it cuddly? Are you planning to use it or hang it?

  9. Hi Betty, very inventive use of the ribbons...I do hope you'll enter it's a great conversation piece

  10. First of all, congratulations on winning all those ribbons, and second, congrats on the use of those ribbons; this piece should win one of its own, it's only justice!

  11. Talk about impressive! I would bet you'll take a blue ribbon for this one. It's amazing!

  12. Congradulations! What a lot of ribbons...great idea.
    Janice Simpson


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