Saturday, December 04, 2010

Stones by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Here's my one shape piece. I used the shape of a rock in various sizes and colors. I was dying to add some round shapes in there too...might do that later.

Comments and greetings welcome!



  1. Thanks for stopping by for comment or greeting!

  2. Hi Cynthia--

    Great idea. The gray one looks just like a rock.

  3. These are great stones Cynthia, what a neat shape to work with. The colors all work well together, reminds me of a garden path with some sculptures along it.

  4. Very nice and I like the organic shapes. It does look like stepping stones to me.

  5. Hi Cynthia... at first glance I thought I saw a lazy Mickey Mouse.. When I enlarged it to have a closer look, it reminds me of stones on the beach at night... in fact, I tried peering into the back of it to see if I could see any light on the water. Will you add any other element to give the viewer a hint of what and where it leads to?

  6. Hey Cynthia... great shape choice. It reads really dark on my screen, will you be adding any light to it. Super composition and colors choices.... I like this a lot.

  7. It looks like a melting snowman, obviously I've been hanging with a 4 year old too long. I do like the balance of dark and light. Are you intending to add more stones? Or is that done?

  8. This could have been from your chiaroscuro challenge! I love the stark constrast from black to intense color. I don't think it needs anything more...

  9. Rock On Cynthia...Love the bright colors over the dark they just pop.
    Janice Simpson


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