Saturday, December 04, 2010

One shape...

Wanting to do something other than a 'normal' shape... I decided on a tessellation of some kind. It reminds me of a waterfall... tears.. or? I haven't quite finished it, I am using some black floss in hand quilting the outer area. The design itself is one piece, layered with batting, then placed on the black fabric. I was going to cut again around the shape leaving a quarter inch border, but I think the weight of the design needs the extra 3 layers to support it... what do you think? I love the sheen of rayon thread so all the threadwork is rayon.
Any comments or.. yes... greetings are appreciated.


  1. Fabulous Carole, love the colors you have used. I am glad someone did a tessellation, I was going to try, but went for an easier option.
    And yes it does remind me of tear drops and also of brighter days ahead ( the yellow). As usual the stitching is great. Good job!

  2. Very good use of color and an interesting shape. Is that yarn which you have used in between the shapes? What about clipping the corners in a curvy shape similar to your tessalation shapes, or maybe just on opposite corners? This is a very nice piece.

  3. This is so beautiful in it's simplicity and appears almost three dimensional. I cam almost feel the tears. - Ticia

  4. Thank you ladies.. so very much... and Louise, the stitch falling between the shapes are stitches the same shape as the outside and also with rayon thread in my needle.

  5. I'm so glad someone picked tessalations! Not an easy task, but you've done a great job. Nice choice of shaded colors. I looked at it upside down and like it that way too. Sort of looks like a flower that way! Glad you chose this, Carole!

  6. Very cool and unusual shape. I think making it the same shape in the end would be very bold.

  7. Hi Carole, What a trooper you are to stick with your art work in a stressful time for you. Good luck with everything.
    Your tear shape is wonderful...great job!

  8. The tessellation is wonderful; I'd think there would be a temptation to keep expanding it. I do wonder how it might look with different colors. You could do a series with just that shape.

  9. Thank you.. again..ladies. Tobi you are seemed to want expansion. Because the one shape aspect of the challenge reminded me so much of traditional quilts, I chose the number nine deliberately .. as in.. 9 patch...
    When I was considering its shape, I thought of you!

  10. What a fascinating design your tesselation is, very seductive. I enlarged so as to see your quilting and it is perfect following the graceful curves. I wish I could see it in person...

  11. Tesselations would be a real challenge for me I really appreciate your design..Yes they could be tears...quilts are so comforting even in a small design.
    Janice Simpson


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