Thursday, February 03, 2011

Blue Jean Hang-Up

While realism and shading are important characteristics of trompe l'oeil, just as critical - IMHO - is the element of scale. After all, if the artist truly wants to fool the viewer into thinking they are seeing something three dimensional, the portrayed object needs to be close to life size. "Blue Jean Hang-Up" is 14" wide x 21" high, determined by the actual size of the door paneling I used as my model. There is quite a bit of quilting already completed although it is not really obvious because it follows the lines of the image. I want to do more freehand quilting, particularly on the door panels, but it won't happen until I can get to town next week and get some properly colored thread. Thanks for a really fun challenge! Comments are welcome, as always.


  1. Wow Kathy, this is SO real looking! Was the wall printed or did you draw/paint it? Nice work!

  2. Thanks Cherie! This started as a piece of white cotton. The amazing thing is that the image was created using two colors of Dye-na-flow paint and five shades of Inktense pencil - two blue, two brown and a yellow.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well done! This is such a great example of trompe l'oeil. Excellent dimensionality. Impressive.

  5. You nailed it, Kathy.... Scale is critical... you've done a stellar job of maintaining a good balance of positive and negative space. And to my eye, the close up / cropped images are so much more effective!

  6. This is superb! So realistic. I need to try the Dye-na-flo paint sometime. Are there specific directions I need to be aware of for use?

  7. Nice job Kathy, The wood door is impressive.

  8. You are so right about scale. This piece is so nice but also it is believable! Love your wood grain and shading to get the 3D effects on the fabric and wood.

  9. Outstanding piece for this challenge! Chris Predd

  10. Great job Kathy. Very realistic, good shadows and depth.

  11. Amazing, Kathy! Before enlarging the photo to see the fantastic stitching, it really looks like a photo.

  12. Kathy Great job! I love this quilt
    Susan Ward
    Quilting In Kentucky

  13. This is my favorite piece so far. It is so very realistic. The folds in the fabric are amazing and I just love the panelling on the door. Great, great job. I hope you post a photo after you quilt it. Veronica Von Zwehl

  14. Not a detail overlooked! So realistic. I love it

    Pat Havey


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