Thursday, February 03, 2011

new beginning

I have used this piece for two challenges - this one and the the Haiku group. I hand dyed the background fabric, Painted the egg and shadows, thread painted some of the shadows, felted the clouds, and once I got a chance to get into it I had a great time doing this challenge. Thank you for the inspirations.

Pat Havey.


  1. Pat, that hand dyed fabric is perfect for this piece. I like how you made the hand too.....nice work! Chris Predd

  2. neat piece & lovely quilting

  3. Pat I admire your hand dyed work...the flow of this quillt is wonderful...such a creative idea:)

    Imagination is the power of forming mental images of what is not present:) What a wonderful thing.
    Quilting In Kentucky

  4. Great perspective on the hand which I think is very hard to do. I also think the shadow on the egg is very effective. Great quilting and the lower right corner of the background almost looks like a shadow from the arm that you can't see. Great job and great use of color. Veronica Von Zwehl

  5. Pat,
    This is a very strong piece and a lovely concept! I see the detail better when I block out the stark white of the computer monitor. The angelina was a great touch!
    Kathy L

  6. This is one of my favorites of yours Pat! Terrific job of shading and blending...well done!


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