Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Celtic Knot

This is late coming. My first attempt did not work out and so wasted three days. After starting over again, I came up with the Celtic Knot Quilt. Curving a straight line and interweaving the lines in and out and then finally connecting. It was bit of a challenge, but it was lots of fun. It felt like putting a jigsaw puzzle togther. The quilt is 22" X 22". Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


  1. This is beautiful. I want to say simple yet complex. That sounds sort of silly, but I love that the knot is so complex but symmetrical, and the two-color scheme is so simple, but very powerful. It's a piece I can imagine having on my wall and enjoying over and over again.

  2. What wonderful symmetry you achieved in this piece! If it weren't for the subtle shading in the lines, I might suspect it was done with mirrors. Great work, Deborah.

  3. very nice! I'm glad someone did a celtic knot for this challenge.

  4. Very well done. Was this your own design? Could I ask if you used bias tape or cut your own fabric on the bias. I just tried something much more simple and had problems getting the points sharp and some of curves to be flat. Any advice on working with this would be great.

  5. I AM BLOWN AWAY! I have always been in awe of these knots. You did wonderful workmanship [workwomanship] on this piece.

  6. I love doing Celtic knots, and this is a great design. Is this the first one you have done?

  7. I love the great contrast in colors that allows the Celtic knot to be the sole focus of this piece. Very intricate work. Beautiful! Pam Clark


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