Sunday, March 06, 2011


This Fast Friday Fabric Challenge was in some ways similar to last months challenge. I didn't want to do the same type of tangle, so this time I used fabric. My intent was to fuse it down and then do some free motion. Unfortunately, I used 'HeatnBond lite'. After bonding it, some of the pieces released, ie floated un-attached. Therefore, I edge stitched all the pieces down. Tough job because I did not want to cross over the wrong edge. This meant LOTS of stops and starts and therefore LOTS of work hiding those stops and starts.



  1. This came out great, Ann! It really looks three dimensional. The shadows work so well. I wish we could see a larger, more detailed, image of it.

  2. I love the way it leads the eye all through out the quilt.

  3. I like this quilt!
    I love how the tangled "ribbons" stands up in front of the background.

    I'm sorry you've had problems with heat'n'bond. I use it without problems. I had un-attached pieces at the start then I've understood that I had to use a more hot iron.
    I use iron at the max temperature.

  4. Thanks Orka,

    I thought maybe my iron was too hot. I will try it again.

  5. What a lively piece! Of course, the colors contribute to the energy, but that quiet silvery blue provides a nice contrast to the other bold colors. And the shadowing really gives it depth. I am wondering how it might look if you trimmed it so that the two loose ends were no longer visible since those are the only ends you see. But I love its unpredictability.


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