Friday, March 11, 2011

Challenge 54 Observations on a Goldfinch

As I began to think about this challenge, I found myself watching some goldfinches at the birdfeeder.  They are just beginning to show a hint of yellow as they begin to lose their winter gray.  There are a lot of them around in the summertime and they explode from the farm field edges as I walk up our road.  So my version of this challenge is an attempt to capture the colors and energy of the goldfinches in a curved format.
It's about 25" square.  I tried a machine reverse applique for this rather than fusing, and I will probably tweak the quilting some more.  Although I usually face my quilts, this one seemed to look better with the black binding.  Originally, I had designed the "bird" to be "flying" toward the upper right corner, but decided I liked the above orientation better.
I'd appreciate critiques, even though this is late . .  . again.


  1. this is a very appealing interpretation of the challenge. ALthough I haven't tried reverse applique yet, it seems perfect for this.

    The abstract of one of my favorite birds is very effective!

  2. I like the curves more vertical, too. I would have liked a little more variation in the four in the lower right. They don't seem to be exploding as much as the others. I do like the color scheme. It's a very soothing piece even though you are going for energy.

  3. I love this abstraction and what a perfect name for the piece! Either orientation does it for me so no preference there. The only suggestion, and this is just a personal preference, is that the yellow and white bird shapes are even numbers and I would probably take textile paint and color one of the small white [in the grouping of 4] yellow. That would balance the numbers and give that extra variation in that grouping. Great job!

  4. I love your interpretation of Goldfinches in spring. I have been feeding about 200 this winter and love watching them turn from drab to bright this time of the year. A group just took flight and so resembled your piece. I like either orientation.

  5. Well, I'm finishing up mine and will post it, so at least you're not the last!

    LOVE this piece! I love the graphic nature of your color choices, the grey with the black and gold popping out.

    I love the movement and the repetition. The rhythm is also great!

    In addition, from what I can see, you've executed this masterfully in your technique. So, what's not there to like?

    Lisa Quintana


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