Friday, March 11, 2011

Challenge #54, Pam Clark

This piece was made to meet the criteria of 2 challenges:

1. FFFC's curves

2. Our quilt guild's show challenge entitled "Artistic Journey Through Time", requiring the use of the challenge fabric (the clock fabric), and the use of silver somewhere in the piece to recognize our guild's 25th anniversary. The piece has to measure less than 25" square. This piece is 20" x 22". I first pieced black and white strips and then silver strips. I made freezer paper templates for the curves, cut out my shapes and stitched them together. I wanted my black curves to signify a road. If anyone has any ideas how I might improve this piece to show more of a journey, I would be glad to accept your suggestions.


  1. My first thought on this is to put clock numbers and/or hands in one or both of the half-circles. It could be made with several minute hands in progressively darker greys so it looks like rapid movement. The background already gives a sense of movement outward from the center, though. Interesting piece!

  2. I saw an hour glass at first, not roads, which still meets the theme of time. Why did you choose a half circle of clocks at the top and full circle at the bottom? I'm not sure how radical a suggestion you are looking for - but - did you try it cut in half and reassembled with half circles meeting? You could print it out on paper and play with changing the arrangement without ripping a stitch!

  3. Hi Pam, to show more of a journey, have you thought about your white stitching [middle of the road?] traveling all around the black border? Then to be wonky, cut out a clock or two to make a bubble shaped car, add wheels and put them on the road. That way the circles of clocks will look like a parking lot! Geesh, told you that might be wonky...but normally guild challenges like wonky. Great movement in the piecing and I would like to see this when it is done. Nice job!


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