Saturday, March 05, 2011

Challenge 54 - Three Daisies

I've posted my piece Three Daisies; not only does it have three daisies but I had made three attempts for this challenge.

Basically I stuck at cool colors turquoise, purple and lime green. Curvy sky and curvy grass. Actually size about 21 x 22 inches.

In Sunny cold Seattle


  1. Nice job with curved piecing. The curves are subtle and a perfect background for the straight flower petals. Thanks for participating.

  2. Nice piece. I especially love your treatment of the sky.

  3. This makes me think of a field of daisies blowing in the breeze. good job!

  4. I love the sky treatment. It is so exciting to the eye. I'll bet its great in person.

    Pat Havey


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