Saturday, March 05, 2011


The piece measures 22" x 40". I used a cream fabric for the base. I fused wonder-under to three pieces of fabric (green, orange and mixed) which were also 22x40. I then traced large circles on each fabric and cut the circles out. I layerd the three fabrics down and then sliced some of the areas between the circles and tucked them under the overlapping fabrics. (Not sure this makes sense!) Then I fused the whole thing together and quilted it with spirals.


  1. This is beautiful Veronica. I love the complexity of the design that started with something so simple as a circle. Thanks for participating!

  2. I love this one... I think its my favorite for this challenge. Great colors and composition.... you can really see the depth and perspective! Well done, Veronica!

  3. This piece has wonderful depth and interest. I really like the effect that you achieved.
    Ticia Wicks

  4. This is superb! A lot of work in cutting and quilting but what great depth perception you achieved. It reminds me of cells in the body.

  5. Wonderful three dimensional!

  6. great perspective. I love your colors.

    Pat Havey

  7. What a great idea! This just pulls you right into it. I like your quilting choice also.


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